Gourmet Truffled Brie and Brillat-Savarin: two whole cheeses: currently unavailable

Original price was: £100.00.Current price is: £49.00.

A whole Truffled Brie Cheese on the table creates an exceptional end to a special meal. It tastes simply wonderful, the truffles and cheese a heavenly combination. And this whole Brie is a really ex­ceptional cheese that is in a league of its own. So popular is it that we have added a delicious new truffled cheese, the fabulous Brillat-Savarin, originating from Burgundy. Both these fine cheeses have extremely distinctive flavours, and the truffles enhance them in dif­ferent ways—what a combination for your cheeseboard!

The whole Brie de Nagis is produced in the Ile-de-France,  French Brie, and in style and flavour similar to Brie de Meaux.The Brillat-Savarin is a gorgeous Burgundian cow’s milk cheese named after the French gastronome Jean Anthelme. Additional cream is added as it is being made, creating a rich and supple cheese with a smooth, velvety texture.

The truffles sandwiched within both cheeses are Périgord winter truffles, which have the strongest nose and flavour of all black truf­fles. Truffles and cheeses together create a massively aromatic depth. These two great cheeses arrive together, perfectly ripe and ready for you to begin to eat. They also make an excellent gift. Truf­fled Brie: weight about 1.4kg. Truffled Brillat-Savarin: 500g. Two whole cheeses.

RRP £100 or more. CCUK £49.