Best price for Beluga Caviar from King’s Fine Food: the ultimate caviar, fresh huso huso: Members save up to £2,200 per kilo—up to 45% off the retail price!


Our Beluga caviar is top class, and Members can enjoy it at exceptionally good Club prices. It is supplied by Laura King MBE, whose company King’s Fine Food are suppliers to Buckingham Palace, Michelin Star chefs and the leading London fine food emporia. Some famous chefs say they will have no other caviar than King’s!

This superb caviar is from fully mature 20-year-old Beluga sturgeon, with the Latin name huso huso. The large, steely-grey eggs have a wonderful soft, creamy texture and a subtle taste with notes of walnuts and cream and hints of both the sea and finest quality salt. Its thin membrane is synonymous with only the best Beluga, and top food emporia sell this same caviar at more than twice the Club price.

When buying caviar, caveat emptor applies as genuine Beluga is only from 100% huso huso, largest of the Caspian Sea sturgeon. Hybrids are not the same—and King’s is the only company to regularly DNA test their caviar to be 100% sure. These mighty fish reach 24ft long and weigh about 364lb at maturity, which takes two decades. Lesser sturgeon can mature at eight years. Hence the exceptional size, flavour and price of the Beluga egg.

Try it now at these exceptional and exclusive CountryClubuk Members’ prices, saving up to £2,200 per kilo (45%), including delivery to your door!

1kg: RRP £4,920. CCUK £2,697.
500g: RRP £2,460. CCUK £1,396.
250g: RRP £1,230. CCUK £709.
125g: RRP £615. CCUK £359.
50g: RRP £246. CCUK £159.
30g: RRP £147.60. CCUK £98.
20g: RRP £108.40. CCUK £79.

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