Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing Seasons in Northern Ireland

Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing Seasons in Northern Ireland

River System Salmon Sea Trout
River Bush Mar 1 – Oct 20
Lough Melvin (Fermanagh) Feb 1 – Sep 30
River Erne, Loughs & River system Mar 1 – Sep 30
River Bann system – (most beats below Lough Neagh) Mar 1 – Oct 20
* check with beat as varies
River Agivey Mar 1 – Sep 30
River Foyle System Mar 1 – Sep 15 Mar 1 – Sep 15
River Finn Mar 1 – Sep 15 Mar 1 – Sep 15
River Faughan May 20 – Oct 20 May 20 – Oct 20
River Roe May 20 – Oct 20 May 20 – Oct 20
Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing Seasons in Ireland
River System Salmon Sea Trout
River Finn (Donegal) Mar 1 to Sep 30 Mar 1 to Oct 30
River Drowes Jan 1 to Sep 30
Gweebarra River Apr 1 to Sep 30 Apr 1 to Sep 30
Owenea River Mar 1 to Sep 30
River Lennon Mar 1 to Sep 30 Mar 1 to Oct 30
River Ray Feb 2 to Sep 30 Feb 2 to Oct 12
Munster Blackwater Feb 1 to Sep 30
River Moy Feb 1 to Sep 30
River Bunowen Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
River Carrowniskey Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Beltra Fishery Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Delphi Fishery Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
River Errif Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
River Culfin Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Dawros River Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Owenglin River Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Ballinaboy River Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Ballynahinch Fishery Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Lough Inagh Fishery Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Gowla Fishery (Zetland) Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Gowlabeg River N/A Jun 1 – Sep 30
Screebe Fishery Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Costelloe and Fermoyle Fisheries Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Galway Fishery Feb 1 to Sep 30 Jun 1 – Sep 30
Waterville Jan 17 to Sep 30
River Suck Mar 1 to Sep 30
River Shannon
(Mid & Upper)
Mar 1 to Sep 30
River Shannon (Lower) Feb 1 to Sep 30
River Mulcair Mar 1 to Sep 30
River Maigue Feb 1 to Sep 30
River Deel Feb 1 to Sep 30
River Feale & Smearlagh Mar 1 to Sep 30
River Fergus & Lakes Feb 1 to Sep 30
Annageeragh River Mar 1 to Sep 30 Mar 1 to Sep 30
Creegh River Mar 1 to Sep 30 Mar 1 to Sep 30
Doonbeg River Mar 1 to Sep 30 Mar 1 to Sep 30
River Boyne Mar 1 to Sep 30 Mar 1 to Sep 30
(all dates inclusive)
Warning and Disclaimer.
The dates listed above are compiled with reasonable care, but a season’s dates may change, so please check with the fishery before you make any travel arrangements or bookings. Do not use this list unless you agree to accept this freely given information as a guide only and accept that CountryClubuk (JSP Media Ltd) cannot be held responsible for its accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. This list was initially complied 15 January 2019.© JSP Media Ltd 2019

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