Fox & Chave Morris Golden Lily Silk Tie: best price for this sophisticated William Morris design for the artistic man: high quality silk, beautifully hand finished

Original price was: £40.00.Current price is: £23.00.

A man needs a new silk tie for the new season. For one thing, women notice ties, so it’s no good hanging on to the same old faithful and thinking nobody will notice. It’s why the designers spend so long creating them, why the literary greats have long known that the tie maketh the man—and why wearing an artistic tie makes a man look so extraordinarily interesting.

So here is GORGEOUS Golden Lily from the sophisticated Pre-Raphaelite decoration of William Morris, in a collection created by silk tie specialists Fox & Chave of England. It is perfect for city suits, blazers and linen jackets, and works with shirts of every hue.

Golden Lily is one of Morris’s greatest legacies, and Morris, who abhored mass-production, created this and all his other designs by hand. This beautiful tie, printed on high quality silk, is finished entirely by hand.

RRP £40 plus delivery. CCUK £23 including UK mainland delivery.

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