Fox & Chave Boudin Seaside Silk Tie: best price for this evocative yachting seascape by the French artist who inspired the Impressionists by painting en plein air

Original price was: £40.00.Current price is: £23.00.

Inspired by one of French artist Eugene Boudin’s evocative seascape paintings, this Fox & Chave pure silk tie depicting yachts and the ocean is the perfect tie for yachtsman and all who are planning to be beside the sea this summer.

Boudin is considered inspirational to the Impressionists. This 19th century landscape artist  started the trend for painting en plein air, paving the way for the Impressionists who followed him. He is best known for his maritime scenes and his fabulous skies.

This summery tie will be perfect worn with linen suits and navy blazers alike—it’s ideal for the yacht club, of course.

It is created by Fox & Chave in high quality silk, hand finished.


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