Sporting greyhounds in the slips: a handsome pure silk tie based on the celebrated Renaissance painting ‘Hunt in the Forest’ by Paolo Uccello: a unique design, with a timely message

Original price was: £40.00.Current price is: £23.00.

Highlighting the sporting greyhounds in ‘Hunt in the Forest’ by Paolo Uccello, this smart pure silk tie is a combination of fine art, sporting history and sartorial elegance. It adds the perfect finishing touch of colour, style and energy to everything from country tweeds to the city suits. When you can’t be out enjoying a sporting day, at least you can be reminded of days spent in the countryside—and as it’s now February, for a gentleman to sport this tie is perfect timing. February is the month when Britain’s once most famous sporting event, The Waterloo Cup, was run.
Uccello painted ‘The Hunt in the Forest’ , a celebrated masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, in the early 1460s. Now hanging in the Ashmolean Museum it captures a scene of noble hunting men on horseback accompanied by their hounds in a wooded forest. Uccello’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in every aspect, including his depiction of the sporting greyhounds, which are highlighted in detail here by the silk artists at Fox & Chave to create the dynamism and excitement of these amazing sporting hounds.
Remember the Waterloo Cup? This three-day coursing meeting founded in 1836, three years before the Grand National, and ended 20 years ago this year by Labour’s Hunting Ban, was once the most important and well attended sporting event in Britain. Sixty-four greyhounds, supreme athletes at the height of their powers attracted crowds in numbers which surpassed the Grand National, Wimbledon, Royal Ascot and the Premier League. Such was its status that carrier pigeons flew the results across Britain, and when news reached London the Stock Exchange closed for the rest of the day.
These sporting greyhounds are shown in action on this stunning tie, each hound stretching out across the silk in a variety of actions, viewed on a red ground which is the perfect backdrop for their various coat colours. It’s a beautiful tie, and beautifully made and hand finished. Any man would love this tie, whatever his interests, whether they are in greyhounds, sport, history, art or simply looking good about town and country.