A handsome cock pheasant stands alert as his hen looks for food in a typical country tableau which makes a superb bronze sculpture, entitled ‘Cock and Hen Pheasant’.
That slight inclination of the hen’s head and the proud stance of the cock convey the intimate nature of the birds, and the keen eye of the sculptor, making a piece which one can admire and enjoy literally for ever.
The bronze is classical in style, each bird detailed and beautifully portrayed as living creatures in their habitat, intent on their natural roles. It is a sculpture which all who admire Nature and Art would be pleased to own.
This superb sculpture stands resplendent on a solid marble plinth. It is a full 32 cm tall (about 1ft) and 65cm wide (more than 2ft) and weighs 6.5 kg (14lb 5oz), making it substantial enough to create an impact in even a large room. It looks excellent as the centrepiece on a dining room table, on a mantlepiece or dresser, or spotlit on a plinth.
The bronze is foundry-made, using the traditional hot lost wax casting method, before being mounted on the solid marble base. It is the perfect bronze for the study or office, and makes a discerning gift.
Bought through the Club, our Members save more than £100.
RRP £300. CCUK £189.
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