Coworth Park, Windsor Great Park: best rates at ‘The Dorchester in the Country’: a favourite CountryClubuk Members’ hotel ‘to live out one’s dreams’: ideally located near Guards Polo Club

­­Everybody has heard of the Dorchester Hotel. Most also know that it is to the world of hotels what Manchester United is to football or the Brigade of Guards to the military. What fewer people know is that it has an outstation hotel on the edge of Windsor Great Park near Ascot, named Coworth Park. […]

The Dorchester London, best rates for this, one of the world’s most desirable 5-star hotels: one of Members’ favourites

The Dorchester needs no introduction. One of the most desirable places in the world to stay, it has stood, resplendent on its famous site on Park Lane, overlooking Hyde Park, since 1931, entertaining Royalty, premiers and presidents, heroes and film stars with its perfect combination of style and substance. Spacious and elegant, each room features […]

Chewton Glen Hotel & Spa in the New Forest: from beach to barbered lawns: super rates in ‘the finest hotel in England’

We at CountryClubuk exist to enable Members to take advantage of many things, including those which such well-run mini-kingdoms as Chewton Glen have to offer, and we invite you to stay in what is considered England’s loveliest country-house hotel. Chewton Glen sits serenely on the South Coast of England, surrounded by immaculate gardens and barbered […]