British salmon fishers discovered the virtues of Norway’s great River Namsen in the 1830s, and named it ‘Queen of the Rivers’. Reports of record catches and huge salmon spread among distinguished fishers, magnetising an increasing number of titled anglers known as the ‘Salmon Lords’. Today the Namsen remains one of the most productive salmon rivers […]
Of all the exotic islands under the sun, the Maldives are the paradise isles of our dreams. More than a thousand perfect ‘Robinson Crusoe’ atolls are scattered across 35,000 square miles of warm, crystal-clear blue waters in the Indian Ocean, and guests are invited to live as close to the water and the natural world […]
Norway has always been the home of big Atlantic salmon and the rivers of northern Norway in particular keep on producing these incredible record-breaking fish. And unlike Scotland of recent years, the salmon numbers are holding up too—especially here in the pristine far north, beyond the Arctic Circle. Our salmon fishing consultants Colin Bradshaw and […]
The chance of a visit to the Tyne is not to be missed. To add extra spice to the prospect, my friend called to say that the word from the lower river was of a good run of early salmon. Being by nature an opportunist, I drove down over a wet and windy Carter Bar, […]