Fox & Chave Klimt Flower Garden Tie: best price for the most expensive tie in town! Pure silk, a snip at £19

Original price was: £40.00.Current price is: £19.00.

A man needs a new silk tie for summer—and now he can sport one of the most expensive artworks in Europe, ensuring that he looks not only artistic but discerning and savoir-faire, all at the same time. For one thing, women notice ties, so it’s no good hanging on to the same old faithful and thinking nobody will notice. And if you are going to splash out on a new tie it might as well be the most topical, naturally beautiful, summery and most expensive-looking tie of the year—which is undoubtedly this jewel-like detail from Gustav Klimt’s ‘Flower Garden’.

Klimt painted his oil-on-canvas ‘Flower Garden’ in 1906, depicting poppies, daisies and roses in exaggerated profusion. It has just become the third most expensive artwork ever sold in Europe, fetching a record £48 million at Sotheby’s, whose Global Co-Head of Sotheby’s Impressionist & Modern Art Department described it as ‘one of the artist’s greatest masterpieces ever to come to auction’.

Ms Newman said: ‘The star of this season’s offering is undoubtedly Klimt’s luminous Bauerngarten, dating from the artist’s celebrated and much-loved golden period. Innovative in its composition and jewel-like in its exquisite blaze of colours, it is one of the artist’s greatest masterpieces ever to come to auction.’

It looks stunning in detail within this pure silk tie by English designers Fox and Chave, and it will go beautifully with everything from a city suit to navy blazer and casual linen, from city shirts to denim. It is perfect to add the finishing touch for any artistic or summery occasion, from Chelsea Flower Show to a summer wedding—and of course through the Club it is an El Snippo.

RRP £40. CCUK £19 including UK mainland delivery.

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