Dartington Crystal Hogget Decanter: best price for this superb timeless classic English mouth-blown crystal decanter: sold out

Original price was: £135.00.Current price is: £98.00.

Finely-crafted English mouth-blown lead crystal Hogget Decanter by Dartington Crystal. A guest who fails to pass the port to his or her neighbour, whether in innocence or in the hope that nobody will notice, naturally creates a serious breach of etiquette. No matter how impatient the guests waiting farther down the table, it is bad form to demand that the decanter be passed on. Instead, the question is demanded of the perpetrator, ‘Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?’ The origin of the phrase is attributed to Henry Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich from 1805-’37, who lived to the age of 93, by which time he had developed a tendency to fall asleep at the table. As a result he often failed to pass the port decanters, several of which would accumulate by his right elbow to the consternation of those seated farther down. A bon vivant said to possess a prodigious capacity for wine consumption, the Bishop was sometimes suspected of using these frailties to his advantage.

The rounded base of the hogget decanter prevents the port being held up in such a manner, as it can sit only in its custom-made base—and this fine mouth-blown, English crystal Hogget Decanter, with its polished wooden base, is the ideal such decanter, as perfect for uninterrupted passing of the port as it is for serving other wines and spirits.

It is 28cm in height and has a capacity of 75cl.

RRP £135 plus delivery. CCUK £98 including UK mainland delivery.

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For more decanters from Royal Brierley, click here.

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